(text in English below)

El co-fundador y guitarrista de Slayer, que sufría fascitis necrotizante desde 2011, murió en un hospital de California debido a un fallo hepático, tal y como informaba la banda a través de su página de Facebook:
"Slayer estamos devastados por tener que informar que nuestro compañero de banda y hermano, Jeff Hanneman, murió a las 11 de esta mañana, cerca de su casa del Sur de California. Hanneman se encontraba en un hospital de la zona cuando sufrió una insuficiencia hepática. Deja atrás su esposa Kathy, su hermana Kathy y sus hermanos Michael y Larry, y se le echará mucho de menos.
Nuestro hermano Jeff Hanneman, descansa en paz (1964-2013)".
En estos días, todo el mundo del metal ha presentado sus respetos por el fatídico suceso, y Akiesú, aunque tarde (motivos personales y logísiticos nos han impedido publicar esta entrada antes), quiere sumarse también. Nuestro respeto y sincero pésame van para las familias personal y profesional de Jeff Hanneman.
Akiesú staff would like to express our condolences on JEFF HANNEMAN's death last Thrusday, 2nd May, at the age of 49.
The co-founder and guitarist of Slayer, who suffered from necrotizing fasciitis from 2011, died at a hospital in California due to a liver failure, as the band informed through their Facebook page:
"Slayer is devastated to inform that their bandmate and brother, Jeff Hanneman, passed away at about 11AM this morning near his Southern California home. Hanneman was in an area hospital when he suffered liver failure. He is survived by his wife Kathy, his sister Kathy and his brothers Michael and Larry, and will be sorely missed.
Our Brother Jeff Hanneman, May He Rest In Peace (1964 - 2013)".
In these recent days, everyone in the metal world has joined and showed their respects on this fateful event, and Akiesú, even if late (personal and logistic reasons prevented us from posting this entry before), wants to join too. Our respect and sincere condolences go to Jeff Hanneman's personal and professional families.