"FOURWAYS leaves the stages for an indefinite period. I want to communicate this sad new to all those people who have been with us in this adventure, so hard sometimes, that is music, to all those people who enjoyed our music some time. The whole band, after thinking about it for months, decides to split up due to the personal situations of some of the members, and to the already-eternal crisis that is thrashing us all.
For me it's been 5 years of hard work at the rehearsal room, struggle, suffering, sacrifices and so on. But they've also been years of good moments, dreams come true and specially love to Rock and everything it implies...
Hugs everyone, Yon Barranco".
From here we can only say one thing: Thank you. Thank you for always treating us nicely and thanks for the legacy you leave in the scene of our region..
Here you have the video for the song 'Modern Times', from the last album of the band: 'Twisted Times'.