Coming from New York's New School Of Jazz, in 1990 they surprised everyone with their first album, an undeniable hit with a simple but effective mixture of rock, pop y funk. "Pocket full of Kryptonite" was one of the most acclaimed albums in the 90s, both by the audience and critics. They sold over 10 million copies worldwide, which made the band's debut an international phenomenon.
An album full of hits, whose success is reflected on their continuous pressence on the most-sold and most-awarded album charts in the 90s: "Two Princes" was the most played track worldwide in 1993, and it has nothing less than 3 millions of certificated playings in radios of the whole planet.
Since their formation, the New Yorkers Spin Doctors have become one of the reference bands in alternative rock. They've known how to keep on the top of music business all through these two decades of their career. A band that keeps in top shape and who will doubtlessly bring the audience very good memories...
Don't miss them:
Don't miss them:
Thursday 12th September, El Sol, Madrid
Friday 13th September, Centro Cultural Agora, La Coruña
Saturday 14th September, Festival de la Luz, Boimorto (La Coruña)
Sunday 15th September, Valey -Centro Cultural-, Castrillón (Asturias)
(Check the rest of their European dates in www.spindoctors.com)
(Check the rest of their European dates in www.spindoctors.com)
Don't forget listening to:
"Two Princes", "Jimmy Olsen's Blues", "Little Miss Can't Be Wrong", "The Drop", "Scotch And Water Blues"